Here's a nice, solid little pop ditty from Rodd Keith, from the earliest days of the Preview label. It's called "I Still Love That Girl (Can You See?) (although the lyric is, consistently, "can't you see?"), and it's got a keen shuffle beat, which peps up into a modified twist thing on the verses. It all sounds dandy to me. Everybody's having fun but him.
Download: Rodd Keith - I Still Love That Girl (Can You See?)
The flip side, "Sheridan" comes from a side of Rodd Keith that doesn't really grab me, the ballad singer, with the setting bordering on the ponderous. I do enjoy hearing his triple-tracked harmonies, but even those don't save this particular track.
Oddly, both sides of this record indicate a length of 2:20, but the A-side is actually more than 20 seconds shorter than that, while this side is more than 20 seconds longer than what is listed.
Download: Rodd Keith - Sheridan
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE - I hope to be back over the weekend with a bit of leftover turkey!
The a-side is slight but fun. The b-side, as you said, ponderous...kind of a strange hybrid of country contemporary?
Thanks for posting!
It's strange but some of Rodd's 60's productions like 'I Still Love That Girl (Can You See?)' reminds me of the early Mothers Of Invention.I wonder if Rodd knew Frank Zappa?-both of them were around the LA music scene in the mid 60's.Thanks Bob.
Love the reggae bassline.....years before there was such a thing as reggae basslines!
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