Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Go to REO

The REO label appears to have existed solely to allow the publication of Song-Poems written by Clarence M. Coffel, the majority of which espouse either patriotic themes, something about Minnesota, or both. 

Today's first offering is an exception, a Cara Stewart winner, "Gee! How I Wish He Were Taller". 

I haven't shared many Cara Stewart records here yet, but she's one of my favorites, a truly excellent singer with a way of selling even the most banal lyrics with a smile in her voice. There's usually a Les Paul and Mary Ford quality to her records, but for once, those similarities (often hard to miss) are downplayed, mostly because of the presence of accordion and viola sounds (perhaps from a Chamberlin?). 

Regardless, I find this to be a bouncy, catchy and very enjoyable number, with both lyrics and music that could have made this a hit in the 1950's (although I've little doubt this record dates from the '60's):


On to the flip side. Let's play a game. I'll write a word or phrase and you say the first thing that comes into your head.


"Sammy Marshall"

If you answered "BLUES" to either of my offerings, then you're in luck, because the flip side of Cara's performance is Sammy Marshall (as "Sonny" Marshall) with "Minneapolis Blues":



Stuart Shea said...

The Sammy Marshall side is godawful, with a backing worthy of Halmark, but the Cara Stewart number chugs along with style and some great sixths!

Sammy Reed said...

"Gee! How I Wish He Were Taller" isn't working now.