Monday, December 23, 2024

A Hendrix Christmas

That's Bill Hendrix, of course, the famous.... well, I don't know who he was, actually. 

Anyway, I promised y'all a Christmas vanity/song-poem hybrid last week, and here I am to provide it! The aforementioned Bill Hendrix clearly paid his money and got to perform two songs of his own creation, with the help from the ol' Film City Chamberlin, which I'm fairly certain was played here by Rodd Keith. 

The first side, "Sharing Christmas With You" is actually a it of an outlier, as it starts with what is clearly a flourish on a real, honest to goodness guitar, one of the rare examples of a non-Chamberlin instrument being heard on a Film City (or related) release. Note that the Chamberlin (with the additional few seconds of guitar here and there) is identified as an "Orchestra and Chorus". Not hardly. 

I find this song something of a dirge, and a long dirge at that. He does not sound nearly as excited about the title prospect as I think a guy ought to, given the words he's singing. My guess is it was meant to sound like a romantic, 1940's style holiday standard, but I'm not much of a fan of those either, and this one seems to be threatening to slow to a stop at any moment. The backing track is skillfully done, for what it is, but it's a drag, too. 

Download: Bill Hendrix and Orchestra and Chorus - Sharing Christmas With You


After a far from promising, downright smarmy opening 25 seconds, "I Wish I Was Santa Claus" proves to be a major improvement on the flip side, bouncing along with another creative - and much more enjoyable - backing arrangement, although it doesn't come close to matching Ringo Starr's similar named wish-in-song

Still, it's an improvement on the A-side and a typical entry into the "if I ran the world" type song. 

Download: Bill Hendrix and Orchestra and Chorus - I Wish I Was Santa Claus


Now, if you've been hanging around my blogs for more quite a while, you know that my family tries to create a funny Christmas card - we've done it every year except for one over the past fifteen years or so. If you've seen all of those I posted here, then you've gotten to see my kids grow and change, the addition of our son-in-law, and my wife and I get older and older. Here is this year's entry: 


Stu Shea said...

Thanks for posting! I track with you on this one. Side A is a real slog. Side B is at least fun!

Ernie said...

Thanks for digging up some more Christmas music! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Lainagier said...

The A-side is worth it just for Mr Hendrix's bizarre pronunciation of "hollo-day". Also, do you think he had to pay extra for a key change?

Timmy said...

Bob, I would like to wish you & that wacky bunch of yours a HAPPY NEW YEAR (going ahead a few days), and even a very merry Christmas, if time could go backwards several days somehow, and I think it could, if we all wish for that & other similarities. Don't forget to light a candle for the Omnipresent menorah...

reservatory said...

Looks like the family has enjoyed that 'big wagon of red' a little too much. Holiday greetings to all at any rate...