Friday, November 29, 2024

I'll Take "Song-Poems About Utah" For 400, Alex!

Happy Post-Thanksgiving to all who celebrated it yesterday! 

Today's song poem does in fact involve Utah, and was "Song Poems About Utah" to actually be a category on Jeopardy! (I wish), I suspect there might only be two answers in the category, used across the five slots. There is a song on the Roxie label called "Utah, The Beehive State" (which, sadly, I do not own), and then there's today's offering: 

Technically, of course, this is not about Utah, but rather, it deals with "My Utah Sweetheart". And who better to sing it (who, better to sing most anything song-poem related) than Norm Burns, and his backing group, named to differentiate them from what Norm is doing I guess (?), as "Singers". 

This waltzy number has everything you'd want in a song about a sweetheart from Utah, including that ringing guitar, some sweet backing vocals, the echoey production on Norm's voice, and, of course, a reference to beehives. 

It's also worth noting that, via an instrumental solo section (shame about that missed note) and a lengthy instrumental coda, the good folks at Sterling managed to stretch the song-poet's two short verses and one bridge into a robust 134 seconds. 

Download: Norm Burns and Singers - My Utah Sweetheart


On the flip side is a religious number, "My Fate". I find this title odd, given that it's a hymn of devotion, the choice to follow the writer's savior, and self-assuredness within that faith, rather than anything about heading unseeing into something that "Fate" has in store for him. And "My Fate" is not heard anywhere in the lyrics, either. "My Faith" would be a better title, so much so that I really wonder if there was a mistake somewhere along the line in printing the label. 

Oh, and one more thing. There is a pretty dang weird line early on. Among those lines of devotion, we hear that God "tempts me to stray". I'm a lifelong Episcopalian and that concept stuck out like a sore thumb to me. Perhaps there are other branches of Christianity that believe that God plays GOTCHA with his worshipers, sort of a cosmic version of "Survivor" or "Fear Factor"? 

Anyway, this is tedious stuff, and seems a lot more than 44 seconds longer than its flip side. 

Download: Norm Burns and Singers - My Fate



Anonymous said...

It may be a case of very inappropriate bad grammar. ("He knows my sins tempts me to stray".)

Sammy Reed said...

Excuse me, that was me who wrote that last comment. I don't know why it says anonymous. Although I sometimes try to be as anonymous as possible, I didn't here.

Timmy said...

"My Utah Sweetheart" is another cut in the long line of fantastic vocal performances that will continue to live on after the Apo - collapse. Senor Burns is the embodiment of The Almighty. Well, at least as much of The Almighty that we deserve, anyway.