Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Ohoo! Ohoo Who? OHOO! Who's That? And What Did Ohoo Do?

Today, a record I've wanted to share for a really long time, but always held back because.... well because the record came to me with a chip out of the outside edge, and neither side will play all the way through from the start. But several days ago, I decided to see if I could create a sound file from each side which starts early enough that nothing but a few opening chords or riffs were missed, and hopefully almost make it sound like nothing was missing. Happily, I was able to do that well with one side, and passably with the other. Or at least they sound good enough to me. No more than five seconds appears to have been missed on either side.

The focus of all of this burning desire to share a record with you is the song "Ohoo Made a sin Out of Sex". And really, how could it NOT be. Especially when it features a singer as consistently awful as Eleanor Shaw (look for her other songs posted here if you don't believe me). This is the side with the nearly passable attempt at correcting for the missing music at the start. 

Other than that, I think I'd like to let you experience the weirdness, the downright otherness of this track, rather than go into much detail. Suffice it to say that it's truly awful in every aspect possible, particularly the vocal, and as the late host of a local radio show used to say "What the Hell is She Singing About". 


The flip side is "What Is Love?", happily not the insipid and mind-numbing number from 1960 by the Playmates, but unhappily, a song just as bad. And whoever wrote a melody line which contained the sweeping high notes of the sort heard at the 0:29 point.... well, clearly that person was not aware of Eleanor Shaw's vocal limitations. 

On the other hand, it's not too many songs, particularly not songs addressing aspects of the human condition (as this one does) which make reference to flat tires and a sprocket wrench. So there's that. 

Download: Eleanor Shaw - What is Love?


Sammy Reed said...

For gosh sake, Eleanor, that's O-hoo, NOT OO-ooo!

Stu Shea said...

Wow, that's...jeez. I don't know why it is that failed soprano voices are more irritating than others, but there it is.