Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Shortest Song-Poem Title Ever?

First up, a quick thank you to "Nedzilla" for a really great comment. I enjoyed it mightily. Actually, now that I look back at that post, all four comments were fantastic. That one really brought out the best in you reader/listeners. 

I recently came across an eBay auction for a record with what has to be at least tied for the shortest song-poem title ever. Unless a song called "I" or "A" comes along, I'm going to assume that there's never been a shorter title on a song-poem 45 (and never a title which gave away less of its lyrical direction), than Alan Poe's rendition of "To". Happily, no one else bid and I got the record at a reasonable price. Here it is: 

I'm not at all sure that this is the singer who usually went by "Alan Poe". There were multiple records released under that name, and clearly they weren't all by the same singer. At least one those was actually sung by Rodd Keith, but this doesn't sound like the other Alan Poe records I'm familiar with, and it's certainly not Rodd.

Anyway, both "To" and the flip side, the almost equally generically titled "Lovely" are religiously themed offerings, both from the same song-poem. I think it's sort of odd that Rodd Keith isn't singing, here, actually. The backing track has many of the hallmarks of his production, and the melody of this song could not more clearly be a Rodd melody and chord changes - it resembles several of his creations, none more than elements in the melodies of "Ecstacy [sic] To Frenzy" and "Nativity", two of his most beautiful melodies. This tune is not anywhere near the same league as those two, but it's nice, and neither "Alan Poe" or the color-by-numbers Jesus lyrics of "To" are worthy of this melody.

Download: Alan Poe - To


"Lovely" - about all the lovely creations the Lord has made - has almost a sunshine pop sound (if it was a bit bouncier, perhaps), and again, this melody and chord structure has Rodd dripping off of it in every measure. I'd like to think that Rodd kept his distance from the vapidity of these lyrics, but of course I know he had no problem selling much worse song-poetry than this. So his decision to make the arrangement, lead the band and call in a rather lugubrious singer remains a mystery. 

Download: Alan Poe - Lovely


1 comment:

Stu Shea said...

I don't recognize the singer, but it does sound like the kind of guy whose style Rodd Keith mimicked at will. Too bad the songs are so drippy. Thank you for posting...hoping you find a song-poem named "A."