Thursday, December 17, 2020

I'm Ashamed... But Just to Be Clear... It's NOT MY FAULT

Happy December 17th!!!! Only Four Shopping Days Before December 21st!!!!

First, I want to again thank JW for what has been a slew of comments on older and recent posts. I believe you have entered the top three or four commenters with your recent dozen or so comments. Thanks particularly for your comments on the quality of my own comments - I appreciate it. I did see your question about Rod Barton, and will try to answer that in my next post, although there's not all that much to tell, unfortunately.  

And thanks to everyone who comments. Please know that if you ask a question, or simply say something that I'd like to answer, I will answer in e-mail, but can only do so if you connect your commenting persona on blogger to your e-mail address - almost no one does this, though. 

Also, I have repaired yet another month's worth of posts, this time those originally posted in September of 2011, including a Labor Day related record, a rather ridiculous title from Cara Stewart, a very sweet entry from Gene Marshall, and a wispy set of tunes from Sammy .Marshall.

And now, it's time to board the S.S. Halmark!


For the last several months, I have been engaged in a nice series of e-mail conversations with a song-poem fan named Tyler. I think each of us have learned a few things (or more!), and it's been quite an enjoyable interchange of thoughts, information and ideas about song-poems. 

Tyler is passionate about Halmark Records releases, and writes at length about various aspect of this most esoteric of song-poem labels. And I realized recently that it had been quite a while since I featured the label. So today, for Tyler, and anyone else who loves Halmark - or who just finds the label endlessly fascinating, I have one of their signature EP's today, featuring their greatest/most awful singer, Bob Storm. 

The EP starts a bit slowly, with Bob Storm in his less outlandish vocal mode, singing over a late '40's/early '50's style backing track, complete with big band and choir, and typically sad, regretful song-poem lyrics, in the song "You'll Never Realize". There is a moment at the end when it seems that Bob has more lyrics left than the backing track is going to make room for, and he squeezes a bunch in, in order to hit the last words on top of the last chord. 

Download: Bob Storm - You'll Never Realize



The highlight/lowlight here for me - both for the lyrics and the performance - is the second track, "I'm So Ashamed". This track is extremely peculiar. The lyrical conceit is that the protagonist is that the singer is apologizing and expressing his shame - except that he also keeps saying that "I'm not to blame". That's quite an apology. Essentially, he's saying he was entrapped by someone who he could not resist - all her fault, I guess. There is a stunning lack of recognition of culpability on the part of the person being portrayed, and I doubt this is an apology most people would accept

That's a good enough start. But it certainly sounds like a deeply felt lyric, perhaps one written by a regretful man as a sort of (poor) apology to his lady. But a close look at the label shows it seems to have been written by a woman, so perhaps it's just a fictional lyric, unless it was about a same sex relationship. That seems unlikely, though, especially in that a man is singing it. 

And that man. That manly man. Bob really Storms it up here, switching from that mild mannered vocal on track one to the voice he wants to use when he's really putting on the... smarm. This is as Bob Stormy a vocal as Bob Storm has ever offered, ridiculous, over the top and grandiose

Download: Bob Storm - I'm So Ashamed



The third song has perhaps the song-poemiest title I've ever seen, "Leave Me Alone With My Beautiful Dream". It's such an all encompassing title that Halmark couldn't quite make it fit on the label. Bob's still in smarm-unctuous mode here, toned down perhaps a notch from the previous track, while the lyrics are pretty much what you'd expect from that title. 

I did want to point out the horrid mastering that was done on this side of the record: the dip in volume at about 0:48 of this song is on the record. The remainder of the side continues at this lower volume. I thought about correcting it, but decided to leave things the way they are, as this is just another Hallmark (no pun intended) of the shoddy nature of many song-poem products. 

Download: Bob Storm - Leave Me Alone With My Beautiful Dream


Before the Storm-clouds leave our area until another special day, Bob treats us to "Drop Me Love". His wobbly warbling is the main attraction, although I find myself caught up in the lyrics - maybe it's just me, but I have no idea what has happened, or what is going to happen, in the life of the protagonist or his love. The lyrics seem pretty tortured and obtuse, but maybe that's just me - I'm a bit frazzled this week, so maybe they're clear as can be. 

I also enjoy the fact that this track seems to be pressed off center, even though its partner on the side ("Leave Me Alone") does not - I wonder how that was accomplished. 

Download: Bob Storm - Drop Me Love



Stu Shea said...

Wow. I was hoping at least one of the four would be...enjoyable in some way...but thanks for posting!

JW said...

Hey, Bob! Happy holidays! Always good to see more Halmark....I get a kick out of them,if not just to see how the singers take "the pitch" (a baseball analogy, not a marketing one!).

Hey, inspired by you, I just plucked out a few choice Xmas-themed song-poems, threw together a blog and put 'em over here. You can't be the only one putting up song-poems! I'll put some more up soon, but we'll start there.

PS: I was started to get worried I was commenting too much! Relieved to see it's not pissing you off! I'm just going through my entire collection, so I'm constantly being hit in the face with stuff you've posted. One more time with feeling, THANKS. You have made this quarantine that much more bearable. ;) - Michael

Enjoy the xmas tunes! Here's the tracklist:
My Christmas Dream (Halmark)
Let Us Be Gay (Bobbi Boyle with the MSR Singers)
I'm Gonna Run Away With Santa Claus (Bobbi Blake)
Santa Claus Sweetheart (Dick Kent)
Twinkle Toes (Norm Burns)
Lullaby (Jo Ann Auborn)
O Stately Pine (The Lancelots)
Let's Share A Prayer (Rod Rogers)
Golden Moments (The Raindrops)

reservatory said...

Delightful. Thanks!

JW said...

Ha, one more thing, xmas-related. On a quick whim, I made a song-poem yule log! Check it out.

I must say, these particular songs really complete the "scene" perfectly! I only used the most seasonal-sounding tunes (including some from this very blog) and I daresay they are superior for "getting in the spirit" than lots of Christmas crap they throw over the yule log (and the radio airwaves) every year. Some people just don't have taste!

Anyways, enjoy, and one more time with feeling: happy holidays, you spacecats.

Timmy said...

What a quartet of schlock! I've never been so immersed in such a Storm of Bob. Feels puddly... "I'm So Ashamed" is probably my pick to click, but all 4 are beyond the pale, dim shade of winter's gloom. And, uh, BTW, Bob ~ my finely tuned ear tells me that all 4 of these cuts are pressed off center. Well, happy holidays, amig. Let's hope there's not too many left.

Bryan Harwell said...

I really enjoyed these Bob Storm tracks. They're so over the top! And the lyrics are so cheesy that they must be presented in such a way. Thanks for sharing!

Kuken said...

Bob Storm is KING, ok!