Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter On Tin Pan Alley

Here, just in time for Easter, is a little proselytizing from our friends at Tin Pan Alley, headed up by the always casual sounding Mike Thomas, with a little number that functions as "The Gospel Stories Greatest Hits" in just 140 seconds. Presenting, "Jesus Christ, the Greatest Man".

Download: Mike Thomas - Jesus Christ, the Greatest Man

For the flip side, here's a song-poem performance which has something interesting - there may be other song-poems which change musical styles mid-song, but I can't think of any right now. As you'll hear, this arrangement of "Gypsy Melody" makes a radical turn (well, as radical as one can make it, with a three piece combo of limited talent) about 40 seconds in.

Download: Mike Thomas - Gypsy Melody


Timmy said...

Gypsy Melody is a HOOT!

Sammy Reed said...

"Gypsy Melody" - or the second part of it anyway - sounds like a faster version of "Greatest Man".

Anyway... My latest blog post has 2 songs which use updated versions of a familiar track used in Halmark songs.