Thursday, August 31, 2017

Hand Me Down Girl

I thought I heard a little bird whisper in my ear "you haven't featured an MSR 45 in almost 15 months". So I went to the box, found one from that label's early days (being that I am strongly non-partial to their latter day releases), and found a nice little song from Bobbi Blake, written by that famous song-poem "Dee", a lyric with a sad story to tell, titled "Hand Me Down Girl". The lousy sound quality is rests entirely on the shoulders of those who pressed this record.

Download: Bobbi Blake - Hand Me Down Girl

On the flip side, we have an unusually uninspired offering from Rodd Keith (listed here as Rodd Rogers), on "Me and My Guitar".  Not that the songwriter gave him much to work with. At least in this case they gave the guitar a prominent role - I've heard several song-poems about certain instruments which hardly feature the instrument in question, if at all.

Download: Rodd Rogers - Me and My Guitar


Stu Shea said...

I wish I had anything positive to say about either of these sides, but you nailed it--in most cases, the MSR thing is a stone drag. Thank you for posting, though!

Timmy said...

I know what Stu means here. Although, I think they're not as bad as he feels. At least there's a little dusting of ridiculousness in both numbers. That saves them in my view. The scales are tipping on Bobbi's song as winner of the two.

Jake said...

Are you aware of any song-poem companies that are still active or is this pretty much a dead medium in the 2010s haha