Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Love That Sound!

Not that anyone asked me, but... What's my favorite "sound" from within the song-poem world? That's hard to say. Contenders include the sound of Norris the Troubadours 1950's releases, the feel of most of Cara Stewart's records, and the Sterling records crisp production and precise feel. But my favorite of all my be the ridiculously mechanical sound of the Film City song-poem machine, run by Rodd Keith in his Rod Rogers persona, arranging the entire song on the wonderful instrument known as the Chamberlain, and often completing the one-man effect by singing on the final project. Today, two examples of the result of this process at its most peculiar, as featured on two patriotic songs with lyrics written by Clarence Boness. This record just entered my collection two or three days ago, and I couldn't wait to offer it up! First up is the very brief (105 seconds!) song "The 678th", which features an otherworldly solo which sounds like it belongs on a record about alien invaders, rather than the protection offered by a military troop. What a wacky, wonderful sound: 


On the flip side is yet another trip to "John F. Kennedy", again featuring that unique, indescribable Rodd Keith/Chamberlain sound, with only a slightly less odd solo section!:



Anonymous said...

Ha! I love this single, I actually already had it on a tape, but your uploads sound much better! And now with the label scans!! I love how Rodd is always "the character" of he sings. "It shocked the American people..." hahaha, fantastic.

This blog is the greatest!

Anonymous said...


I just actually got this single in a lot that I purchased at St Vinnie's; haven't had the chance to listen to it yet, but this site seems to give it rave reviews!

Out of curiosity, I was hoping to find out the value of this single. From what I understand, Rod Rogers is actually a nickname for Rodd Keith, and that man has many, many valuable singles; some of which are close to 1K each.

I've checked my normal (and not so normal) resources; unfortunately, the Film City sections are sparse at best.

Please get back to me with a ballpark figure, as I may sell this now or later, and I don't want to under/over charge anyone. I can be reached at

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Timmy said...

the 678th. is a good record. tahnx!