There are only a handful of documented releases on the Brosh label (pronounced "Broash", we're told). At least a few of them,
as documented on the AS/PMA website, were clearly not song-poem releases, while others clearly were. This one, which likely was the first release on the label, would appear to fall into the latter category. It features Cara Stewart on one side, while the other side features Dwight Duvall, who also pops up on other song-poem labels (he also appears to have made at least one legit record, for the same label that released Dave "Baby" Cortez' "The Happy Organ").
But this inaugural release from Brosh is certainly worth a listen or two. Dwight Duvall's voice and delivery are certainly unusual - the only singer I can think of to compare him to is Ray Phillips, who you can hear
here. And "Blue Memories" seems custom made for Dwight's talents. Enjoy!
And it's always good to have a chance to share some Cara Stewart, which I haven't done nearly enough on this site. Some may say (and have said) that the vast majority of her records sound very similar, and I guess that's true, but what a fantastic sound it is. Here's Cara with the song "Yearning":
Dwight sounds like he's drunk on Vaughn Monroe.
Blue Memories is a good song. Dwight Duvall has a nice deep voice. Very unique. And I love the background vocals on this. I laughed every time. Bop bop bop bop bop!
Yearning was enjoyable. I like the musical backing track. Very mellow. Cara Stewart's vocals are very well done and I love how soothing her voice is, in spite of the fact that the lyrics get clunky a few times.
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